How to delete/ remove the data completely from the system?2024-05-16 13:50:34
By: Haresh Patel
Go to following step and test it.
Delete Functional location
1. The delete flag should be set for the functional location.
2. Run program RIARCTPV via SE38 transaction and enter in the functional location.
3. Then execute program RIARCTPA via SE38 transaction, which will create a file.
4. Execute program RIARCTPD, and select the session from above step 2, after executing which will delete the functional location.
1. The delete flag should be set for the Equipment.
2. Run program RIARCEQV via SE38 transaction and enter in the Equipment.
3. Then execute program RIARCEQA via SE38 transaction, which will create a file.
4. Execute program RIARCEQD, and select the session from above step 2, after executing which will delete the Equipment.
1. Before you run following step order should be CLSD (Business Completed) mode.
2. Run program RIARCORV via SE38 transaction and enter in the Order No. Set deletion flag and deletion indicator to all order through this program.
3. Then execute program RIARCORA via SE38 transaction, which will create a file.
4. Execute program RIARCORD, and select the session from above step 2, after executing which will delete the Order.
Maintenance Plan
1. Run program RIARCMPL via SE38 transaction and enter in the Maintenance Plan. Set delete flag in maintenance plan
2. Run program RIARCMPV via SE38 transaction and enter in the Maintenance Plan.
3. Then execute program RIARCMPA via SE38 transaction, which will create a file.
4. Execute program RIARCMPD, and select the session from above step 2, after executing which will delete the Maintenance Plan
Maintenance Notification
1. Run program RIARCQMV via SE38 transaction and enter in the Maintenance Plan. Set delete flag in maintenance Notification
2. Then execute program RIARCQMA via SE38 transaction, which will create a file.
3. Execute program RIARCQMD, and select the session from above step 2, after executing which will delete the Maintenance Notification
Measurement Document
1. Run program RIARCMRP via SE38 transaction and enter in the Measurement Point. Set the Deletion Flag
2. Run program RIARCMRA via SE38 transaction and enter in the Measurement Point.Create Archiving File and Deletion Session
3. Then execute program RIARCMRD via SE38 transaction, which will create a file.
Tags: SAP